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Local information
Media members are asked to contact Steve Clark, 541-737-3808, 503-502-8217, [email protected], to interview and speak with TRACE-COVID-19 experts.
Oregon State University faculty, staff and students can learn more about COVID-19 and updates.
Oregon State University students who need to speak with a counselor can contact Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS).
Oregon information
Benton County, Deschutes County, Lincoln County and Umatilla County health departments. The local health authority provides COVID-19 guidance, resources and up-to-date county news. Some recommendations are available in Spanish.
Oregon Health Authority
This statewide agency provides health-related and pandemic news, pandemic information from Gov. Kate Brown, tools and resources, answers to frequently asked questions and more.
Visit the Oregon Department of Employment website for updates on COVID-19 related business layoffs, closures and applying for unemployment insurance.
Apply for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) through the Oregon Department of Human Services.
Apply for emergency related day care through the Oregon Department of Human Services. Oregon Early Learning Division has provided resources for families and child care providers who may face virus-related disruptions.
Governor Kate Brown has expanded child care benefits for families and providers during the spread of COVID-19. Contact the Oregon Department of Human Services Direct Pay Unit with questions at 1-800-699-9074.
National information
CDC Coronavirus Hub
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is the nation’s health protection agency, with a mission of fighting disease and protecting communities and citizens. This site has details on who is at risk for the virus and how many cases exist around the world.
Visit the Coronavirus Tax Relief page on the Internal Revenue Service website for COVID-19 tax relief related to paid leave for workers and tax credits for businesses related to the Families First Coronavirus Response Act that was signed into law.
Visit the CDC’s Information for Travelers or the State Department’s Travel Advisories if you are planning on traveling outside of the United States.
International information
WHO Coronavirus Hub
The World Health Organization is a global organization that works to promote better health. Its website provides information and guidance with a worldwide focus, including travel advice, updates on the global situation and insights into research activities.